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Admission Requirements

Graduate-level Programs Offered by Computer Engineering Department:


Admission Criteria for Each Program:

1-  Admission of COMPUTER ENGINEERING MS with Thesis applicants:

Applicants with "BS or equivalent degree" in an engineering, mathematics or natural sciences field including basic science courses (Mathematics and Physics), from a 3-year or 4-year program may apply for Computer Engineering MS with Thesis program. 

For MS with Thesis applicants:

  • BS CGPA >= 2.50; OR
  • BS CGPA >= 2.20 and GRE (quantitative)>= 155; OR
  • BS CGPA >= 2.20 and BS degree from EMU CMPE/CMSE/BLGM departments.

Deficiency assignment:

Applicants who have at least 3 courses from the following deficiency course list in their transcript will not be assigned any deficiency course:

Deficiency course list:

  • CMPE224 Digital Logic Systems
  • CMPE231 Data Structures
  • CMPE242 Operating Systems
  • CMPE344 Computer Networks
  • CMPE353 Database Management Systems
  • CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms

2-  Admission of COMPUTER ENGINEERING MS without Thesis applicants:

Applicants with "BS or equivalent degree" in an engineering, mathematics or natural sciences field including basic science courses (Mathematics and Physics), from a 3-year or 4-year program may apply for Computer Engineering MS without Thesis program. 

For MS without Thesis applicants:

  • BS CGPA >= 2.20; OR
  • BS CGPA >= 2.00 and GRE (quantitative)>= 155; OR
  • BS CGPA >= 2.00 and BS degree from EMU CMPE/CMSE/BLGM departments.

Deficiency assignment:

Applicants who have at least 3 courses from the following deficiency course list in their transcript will not be assigned any deficiency course: 

Deficiency course list:

  • CMPE224 Digital Logic Systems
  • CMPE231 Data Structures
  • CMPE242 Operating Systems
  • CMPE344 Computer Networks
  • CMPE353 Database Management Systems
  • CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms

3- Admission of Software Engineering MS with Thesis applicants:

1- Applicants with BS degree or equivalent from Software Engineering, or other engineering fields, science-related fields, or computer or software related fields may apply for Software Engineering MS with Thesis program.

2- The following requirements must be satisfied:

a) BS CGPA must be minimum 2.20/4.00 or equivalent, or

b) The applicant must be EMU Software Engineering or Computer Engineering gradute.

3- The applicant is expected to complete a Deficiency Program according to the following criteria:

a) If the applicant is from Software Engineering or Computer Engineering program, he/she does not need to take any Deficiency course.

b) If the applicant is from a closely related discipline, he/she is expected to take maximum 3 of the following 5 Deficiency Courses:

- CMSE321 Software Requirements Analysis & Specification

- CMSE322 Software Design

- CMSE326 Software Quality Assurance and Testing

- CMSE353 Security of Software Systems

- CMSE473 Software Process & Management


c) If the applicant is from another discipline, he/she is expected to take all of the above 5 Deficiency Courses.

4-    Admission of COMPUTER ENGINEERING PhD applicants:

Applicants with "BS or equivalent degree" in an engineering, mathematics or natural sciences field including basic science courses (Mathematics and Physics), from a 3-year or 4-year program AND “MS with Thesis" degree may apply for Computer Engineering PhD program. 

For PhD applicants:

  • BS CGPA >= 2.75 and MS with Thesis diploma and Thesis supervisor agreement; OR
  • BS CGPA >= 2.50 and GRE (quantitative)>= 155 and MS with Thesis diploma and Thesis supervisor agreement; OR
  • MS with Thesis degree from EMU CMPE/CMSE departments and Thesis supervisor agreement.

Deficiency assignment:

Applicants who have at least 3 courses from the following deficiency course list in their transcript will not be assigned any deficiency course:

Deficiency course list:

  • CMPE224 Digital Logic Systems
  • CMPE231 Data Structures
  • CMPE242 Operating Systems
  • CMPE344 Computer Networks
  • CMPE353 Database Management Systems
  • CMPE371 Analysis of Algorithms

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