List All News ArticlesModern Programming Work at EMU Department of Computer Engineering with the Students of Bülent Ecevit Anatolian High School
Published Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2023
Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering carried out its first laboratory project as part of its social responsibility initiative with students from Bülent Ecevit Anatolian High School. The laboratory project titled "Application Development with Modern Programming Languages" was participated by 39 students who aim to study Computer Engineering and Software Engineering, accompanied by computer instructors Meltem Yağlı, Duygu Akarsu, and Deputy Principal Fatoş Tuncay. The four-hour workshop was led by experienced research assistant Tansel Sarıhan. In this workshop, high school students learned about the applications developed by Computer Engineering and Software Engineering students using modern programming languages, and also took their first steps in programming.

Programs with Prestigious ABET Accreditation
In the certificate ceremony held after the laboratory project, Head of the EMU Department of Computer Engineering Prof. Dr. Zeki Bayram, provided information about Computer Engineering and Software Engineering Programs, most sought after professions of today and the future, to the participants and instructors. Prof. Dr. Bayram also explained that the quality of education provided by EMU's Computer Engineering and Software Engineering programs has been accredited by the American organization ABET, and they are recognized abroad. Prof. Dr. Bayram emphasized that the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering at EMU is determined to continue similar laboratory projects with students from other schools who are interested in social responsibility initiatives."