Department's Mission
The Department of Computer Engineering at Eastern Mediterranean University was established in 1993 and first graduates graduated in 1997. The mission of the department is to train its students to be multilingual, have good communication skills, ready for team work, and qualified to undertake roles in future projects designed for the benefit of the society.
Departmental Facilities
EMU Computer Engineering Department has full time staff roster consisting of 6 professors, 5 associate professors, 6 assistant professors and 14 research assistants. The Department believes that in Computer Engineering education, theoretical and practical parts must be balanced. With this aim in mind, the department has 3 general-use computer laboratories, one senior year graduation project lab, 2 multimedia laboratories, 2 logic design laboratories, 1 microprocessor laboratory, 1 circuit and electronics laboratory, and 1 graduate level research and development laboratory.
The department currently has three bachelors (BS) level programs: computer engineering (in English), software engineering (in English) and Computer engineering (in Turkish). The BS students take introductory computer science and programming courses and English, basic mathematics and physics courses in their freshman year. In their sophomore and junior years, they take programming, computer hardware and computer networks. In their senior year, BS students take 5 technical elective courses and prepare a graduation project which helps them improve their written and oral communication skills.
The aim of the MS level graduate program (established in 1996) is to improve synthesis and design abilities of students, improve their research competence, and enrich their independent and team work study skills. The Doctoral (PhD) program (established in 1998) aims to produce academicians who can conduct an original research study in the computer engineering field, who can later become members of academic staff in universities.
All programs, excluding those specified as Turkish, are delivered in English.
* Indicated programs do not admit new students.
Distinguishing Attributes
The department has proven its competence in computer engineering education with the ABET (Acreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accreditation it received in 2009. Our students get the chance of improving their written and oral communication and individual research skills. In addition to this, in many courses, much of the weight is given to term projects, assignments and practical application of knowledge and skills. We beleive, this approach is and advantage for our graduates after their graduation, when they are looking for jobs.
Major Accomplishments
The Computer Engineering Department, along with its educational responsibilities, is contributing to the recognition and economic development of the TRNC with different research projects. The department has signed contracts and arrangements with companies such as Alcatel, Microsoft and Cisco. The Department also took part in a number of European Union projects. The Computer Engineering Department is also involved in the online distance education projects of EMU.
Our students have gained successful results in many project and programming competitions. One significant example to this is the third place obtained by our team among Turkish universities' teams in 2013 IEEExtreme programming contest.
The department has graduated more than 2000 students. These graduates are working in international companies in various countries. Out of the 32 PhD graduates, 22 are currently academic staff members in different universities
Quality of Graduates
Our department aims an education at global standards, and is interested in the career conditions of our graduates, in this regard; it arranges the senior year technical electives and improves its programs to meet the current needs of the computer industry. In our English program, more than half of the freshman who entered the program in 2015, are foreign students. Some of our graduates are currently enrolled in graduate programs in the USA and Europe.
Career Opportunities
Students successfully completing the graduation requirements are granted the BS degree in "Computer Engineering". Graduates can find jobs as system administrators, application developers, software engineers, database administrators, software designers and can take part in computer aided industrial applications, or as engineers in research and development projects. Also, a significant number of our graduates are pursuing graduate level degrees and are becoming academic staff members in different universities.